Help starts at home

Helping patients feel confident about themselves and their future is a big part of our promise here at the Massachusetts Sickle Cell Association. But we also focus on helping family members provide needed financial support to lessen the impact of this chronic disease. These services and programs are all supported by generous donations from our neighbors and our annual fundraising events. 

Training and education

person leaving a building

Community-based education

The MSCA participates in various community events to educate and increase understanding about sickle cell disease. We conduct workshops, seminars, and counseling for patients, families' providers, schools, and the community about sickle cell disease and sickle cell trait.

people having a meeting

Training programs

This service trains school administrators and their staff on the importance of sickle cell awareness and gives them creative tactics that can be used to educate students, show them how to cope with a student or family living with sickle cell disease, and the importance of screening.

woman writing on a whiteboard

Ambassador program

This program gives those living with sickle cell disease an opportunity to share their personal experiences with their community members. Through public appearances and promotions, MSCA ambassadors can offer hope and a way forward to others whose lives may be impacted by sickle cell disease.

Community and support

Support is essential to the health and well-being of anyone living with sickle cell disease. That's why the Massachusetts Sickle Cell Association hosts a roster of support group meetings open to patients with sickle cell and their loved ones. Sharing experiences, getting information, and having their voices heard are important for those impacted by sickle cell. 

Support meetings

Our wellness program offers a holistic approach to pain management and stress relief by offering a variety of healing regimens for the body, mind, and spirit. Using yoga, massage therapy, and acupuncture, the program helps strengthen and tone muscles, reduce stress, increase circulation and flexibility, and promote relaxation.

Living well with sickle cell disease


At MSCA, we realize that spiritual health goes hand-in-hand with physical health. Which is why our on-call chaplains are here to give both emotional and spiritual support to our sickle cell community whenever needed. A caring ministry is key to holistic healing and health.

Our peer-to-peer volunteer network program is a mentoring program designed to offer education, support, and guidance to individuals and families living with sickle cell disease.

Peer-to-peer network

MSCA aims to reward academic achievement for people living with sickle cell disease by supporting their aspirations to attend a college, university, or vocational/trade school of their choice. We award a one-time $1,000 scholarship per calendar year to each applicant chosen.

Scholarship award program